We’re hosting a clothing & supplies drive to support the Lamoille Valley Pregnancy Resource Center, located in Morrisville from 1/22-2/22. The mission of the Lamoille Valley PRC is to introduce mothers and fathers to their babies, show them they can have an abundant life and to empower them to make an informed decision by offering God's love, factual information and loving support. The services provided by Lamoille Valley PRC are all free, and include pregnancy testing, options consultations, ultrasound referrals, parenting classes, certified childbirth education classes, assistance and options for prenatal care, referrals for adoption services, fatherhood programs and material support (supplies and clothing for baby and mother).
Currently needed items are:
· New baby clothing (preemie to 3T)
· New swaddle blankets / new sleep sacks
· New infant carriers
· New receiving blankets
· New wash cloths
· New pacifiers
· Various new baby hygiene items, including: Diaper cream, Teethers, Toothbrushes, Diaper cream / rash cream, Nasal bulbs, Infant / baby nail clippers
For mothers: New or gently used maternity clothing - all sizes welcome
IMPORTANT: Diapers and wipes are not needed at this time thanks to a generous recent donation.
Please drop off donations to the bin in the back of the church.